About three-quarters of all American homes have air conditioners. These units are essential for cooling homes and maintaining good indoor air quality. However, they also consume about 6% of all the electricity produced nationwide. An air conditioning unit consumes even more electricity when it’s faulty and old. Read on for signs that it’s time to replace your HVAC unit.
Your HVAC is Old
This is one of the most obvious signs that it’s time to upgrade to a new HVAC. If your HVAC is more than 10 years old, you must start calling the air conditioning company to see what options are available for your home. By replacing an air conditioning unit that’s more than 10 years old, you can save about 20% to 40% of your cooling energy costs. Newer models are way more efficient and they need less energy to do their jobs.
Constant Faults and Repairs
If you are spending a lot of money on HVAC repairs, then it might be time to get a new unit. While the air conditioning company might be charging you small amounts each time they come for repairs, this money adds up over time. Getting a new unit means fewer repairs and more uptime.
Skyrocketing Energy Bills
Are your energy bills gradually going up? This is another sign that you need more efficient appliances. A major chunk of your energy bill goes to your HVAC system. This means that higher bills are probably due to an inefficient AC system. After years of wear and tear, an HVAC system will start consuming a lot of energy to give the same results it was once delivering with smaller amounts of energy. This is a sign that you need an upgrade.
The best way to find out whether your HVAC is responsible for the high energy bill is to conduct an energy audit. This will verify the source of the problem. Sometimes high energy bills can also be caused by inadequate insulation and air leaks. If the audit determines that the high energy bills are a result of an inefficient system, it’s advisable to get a new system with an Energy Star logo for the best efficiency.
Is it time to get a new AC? If you have noticed any of the signs above, then it’s advisable to strongly consider an HVAC upgrade. If you are considering getting a new unit, please make a booking with us, our air conditioning company will help you through the process.