A single-stage AC unit will start and stop up to 72 times over 24 hours during the peak summer season. If your AC isn’t working at peak efficiency, this can cost you a small fortune in cooling bills. Luckily, there are numerous steps that you can take to reduce the money that you spend to cool your home. Consider the following tips to save money on your air conditioning bills this year:
Make Essential Repairs
If your air conditioning system has needed repairs for quite some time and you’ve been putting them off, you may be costing yourself extra money. Contact a home air conditioning repair service near you and ask them for a quote on the services you need. They’ll be able to evaluate your entire system and provide you with an estimate for repairs.
Replace Your Older Unit
Often, running an older unit can be pretty expensive. Older air conditioners aren’t energy efficient. So while you may think that using your outdated machine is cheaper than replacing it, you may be paying quite a bit more for electricity to operate it. A local home air conditioning repair company should be able to provide you with a quote for replacing your older unit. You can then compare this to your power bill so that you can see how much you’ll be able to save with a newer model.
Adjust Your Thermostat
Leaving your thermostat at the same temperature throughout the day can lead to wasted electricity and increased energy bills. If you leave your home during the day, consider adjusting your thermostat and raising the temperature somewhat. You can then lower it when you return home in the evening. You can also ask a home air conditioning repair service to install a programmable thermostat or smart thermostat. These devices will manage the temperature adjustments so that you don’t have to think about them.
Living in a warm climate can mean that you spend far more than you’d like to cool your home. However, there are numerous steps that you can take to save money on your cooling bills. Contact us, your local air conditioning repair company, to learn more.